If you intend to take advantage of the Medicare EHR Incentive Program in the first year of participation, you will need to attest that you have met the “meaningful use” requirements for 90 consecutive days. If your initial attestation fails, you can select a different 90-day reporting period that may partially overlap with a previously reported 90-day period. To attest for the Medicare EHR Incentive Program in subsequent years, you will need to meet meaningful use for a full year.
Importantly, meaningful use attestation must be done through CMS’ web-based attestation and registration system found at the following link: https://ehrincentives.cms.gov/hitech/login.action. Physicians will qualify for a Medicare EHR incentive payment upon completing a successful online submission through the system. More information the registration process can be found at CMS’ registration page here: http://www.cms.gov/EHRIncentivePrograms/20_RegistrationandAttestation.asp
Physicians must register for Medicaid HER incentives through a similar state system. More information on the Medicaid registration process can be found here: http://www.cms.gov/apps/files/medicaid-HIT-sites/