Medical Practices

The deadline for providers to file a hardship exception application to the electronic health record (EHR) meaningful use requirements for the 2015 reporting period is July 1, 2016.

Continue Reading Upcoming Deadline to Apply for ‘Hardship Exception’ to 2015 Meaningful Use Requirements — July 1, 2016

Previously on the Fox Rothschild Physician Law Blog, we reported on the July 2015 amendments to the PA Child Protective Services Law.  See our August 31, 2015 post here:  What
Continue Reading Physicians and Practice Staff Are Not Required to Obtain Child Abuse Clearances in Pennsylvania

You may have heard that CMS recently expanded its authority to deny enrollment and revoke the Medicare billing privileges of providers and suppliers.  The new changes could affect any physician,
Continue Reading Expanded Authority for CMS to Deny Enrollment and Revoke Medicare Billing Privileges