Last month, Apple issued a long awaited announcement of their move into the medical records field, by debuting new functions in the updated Health app for the iOS 11.3 beta
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MACRA Update: Attestation Regarding Your EHR System
[For more information on CMS’s new Quality Payment Program and what physicians need to report in 2017, please see our prior blog posts here and here.]
CMS recently issued…
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Are You Ready for the New Medicare Quality Payment Program? (Part 2): Basics of the MIPS and How to Qualify in 2017
The Medicare incentive programs with which you and your medical practice are familiar will soon be no more. As of January 1, 2017, these programs (including the Electronic Health Records…
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What is the Medicare Quality Payment Program and How May It Affect My Practice?
There are big changes coming to the Medicare incentive programs as we know them. Beginning on January 1, 2017, the new Quality Payment Program (the “Program”) will replace…
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Upcoming Deadline to Apply for ‘Hardship Exception’ to 2015 Meaningful Use Requirements — July 1, 2016
The deadline for providers to file a hardship exception application to the electronic health record (EHR) meaningful use requirements for the 2015 reporting period is July 1, 2016.
Physicians Must Register to Receive EHR “Meaningful Use” Incentives
If you intend to take advantage of the Medicare EHR Incentive Program in the first year of participation, you will need to attest that you have met the “meaningful use&rdquo…
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