CMS recently issued its proposed changes to the 2019 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule, which include a controversial change to the reimbursement rates for Level 2-5 evaluation and management (E/M) services
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Quality Payment Program
CMS Announces New Initiatives for Innovating Patient Care
Last month, CMS Administrator Seema Verma announced several initiatives to innovate the delivery of patient care at the ground level. In collaboration with the Trump Administration and other federal agencies,…
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MACRA Update: Attestation Regarding Your EHR System
[For more information on CMS’s new Quality Payment Program and what physicians need to report in 2017, please see our prior blog posts here and here.]
CMS recently issued…
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CMS Predicts that Physicians participating in Advanced APMs in 2017 will receive a 5% Incentive Payment in 2019
Under CMS’s new Quality Payment Program, which will adjust Medicare Part B payments starting in 2019 based on data from this year, physicians and other eligible clinicians must qualify for…
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More Small Physician Practices May Become Exempt from MACRA
On June 20, 2017, The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (“CMS”) released a proposed rule which would exempt a greater number of small practices from complying with the Medicare…
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Health Law Alert – Medicare Quality Payment Program
We recently issued a Health Law Alert on the Medicare Quality Payment Program, focusing specifically on what physicians and their medical practices need to know to be in compliance with…
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Are You Ready for the New Medicare Quality Payment Program? (Part 2): Basics of the MIPS and How to Qualify in 2017
The Medicare incentive programs with which you and your medical practice are familiar will soon be no more. As of January 1, 2017, these programs (including the Electronic Health Records…
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Are You Ready for the New Medicare Quality Payment Program? (New Blog Series)
You may have heard that a transformation of Medicare’s physician payment program is in the works. However, you may not know that the structure of the new program, called the…
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What is the Medicare Quality Payment Program and How May It Affect My Practice?
There are big changes coming to the Medicare incentive programs as we know them. Beginning on January 1, 2017, the new Quality Payment Program (the “Program”) will replace…
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