Even if you are not considering selling your medical practice now, there are good reasons to maintain it in a condition to be sold. For one thing, healthcare reimbursement is subject to huge swings. Physician reimbursement in governmental payor programs continues to be a political football and, depending which side of the line the ball lands on, profitable medical practices could become significantly less profitable overnight. In addition, as other practices sell and merge, the referral landscape can also change quickly. If your practice depends on the referrals stream of a large primary care practice and that practice sells to the local hospital, for example. selling your practice to the same hospital may be a necessary alignment strategy. You also never know when the right opportunity may present itself, but if and when it does, you should be ready. Finally, running a tight ship is always a good business.
What does it mean to keep your practice in a condition to be sold? Have a look at this timely article in Physicians Money Digest.