The CDC has issued and updated specific guidance on the COVID-19/Coronavirus pandemic for health care professionals on its website (accessible here: CDC Coronavirus – Health Care Professionals) and has advised health care facilities and clinicians (including physicians and dentists) to “prioritize urgent and emergency visits and procedures now and for the coming several weeks.” (See: CDC Guidance for Health Care Clinics). For further details, please see our post: Coronavirus Resources for Physicians and Dentists.
In connection with the CDC’s guidance and advisories (many of which have been echoed by State Governors and Departments of Health), we are recommending that health care practices and facilities implement a COVID-19/Coronavirus Patient Notice and Acknowledgement Form, as well as an Acknowledgment Form for Essential Visitors.
A detailed analysis regarding the implementation of COVID-19/Coronavirus Patient Notice and Acknowledgement Forms can be found in our Client Alert on the firm’s Coronavirus Resources page.
If you have any questions regarding the implications of the COVID-19/Coronavirus pandemic on your practice or facility, or would like assistance preparing any patient notices, acknowledgement forms and/or policies, please do not hesitate to contact us.